Eiffel wing

5 rue de l’Indépendance américaine - 78000 Versailles

Bibliothèque Centrale (Grande Galerie des affaires étrangères)

Bibliothèque Centrale (réserves)

Bibliothèque Centrale

François de Malherbe (1555-1628), Poesies de Malherbe, rangées par ordre chronologique, À Paris, de l’imprimerie de Joseph Barbou, 1757, reliure en veau blanc mosaïqué de maroquin rouge, olive et fauve signée Le Monnier, aux armes du duc d’Orléans (1725-1785), Bibliothèque municipale de Versailles, Res in-8 E 481 c. © Bibliothèque municipale de Versailles

Louis XVI, Lettre supprimant l'imprimerie établie dans l'Hôtel de la Guerre à Versaille, 3 juin 1775, Bibliothèque municipale de Versailles, Panthéon versaillais Berthier. © Bibliothèque municipale de Versailles
Two bibliophiles exhibit their collections at the Grand Palais Éphémère
F4, Joffre area

André Malraux La Tentation de l'occident Paris, Bernard Grasset, 1926. Édition originale. Exemplaire II des trois exemplaires hors commerce sur japon. L’exemplaire n°1 fut offert à Clara Malraux. Envoi signé au faux-titre : « Cet exemplaire est affectueusement destiné à ma Grand Mère, ma Mère et ma Tante. AM », enrichi d’un dessin stylisé d’un chat, à l’encre. L’exemplaire contient également, en tête de chaque chapitre, plusieurs dessins d’animaux réels ou imaginaires, ses « dyables ». Délicate et importante provenance familiale : Malraux fut élevé, de 1905 à 1920, à Bondy, au-dessus de l’épicerie que tenaient sa grand-mère, Adrienne, sa mère Berthe et sa tante, Marie Valentine. © D.R. | Collection DPV

André Malraux La Tentation de l'occident Paris, Bernard Grasset, 1926. Édition originale. Exemplaire II des trois exemplaires hors commerce sur japon. L’exemplaire n°1 fut offert à Clara Malraux. Envoi signé au faux-titre : « Cet exemplaire est affectueusement destiné à ma Grand Mère, ma Mère et ma Tante. AM », enrichi d’un dessin stylisé d’un chat, à l’encre. L’exemplaire contient également, en tête de chaque chapitre, plusieurs dessins d’animaux réels ou imaginaires, ses « dyables ». Délicate et importante provenance familiale : Malraux fut élevé, de 1905 à 1920, à Bondy, au-dessus de l’épicerie que tenaient sa grand-mère, Adrienne, sa mère Berthe et sa tante, Marie Valentine. © D.R. | Collection DPV
at the Paris Rare Books and Graphic Arts Fair
Eiffel wing

● Binding
● Book decoration
● Gilding and mosaic
● Book restoration
● Restoration of graphic art
● Restoration of paintings
preserve traditions while allowing them to evolve, and to contribute to the development of work opportunities.

Several books will be bound during the Fair - all the steps of leather and paper bindings will be detailed, and accompanied by decoration of the books.



Putting under press

Passing on boards
Président de l’AAAV

2014 Competition: "Three typographers were fed up", by Guy Lévis Mano. The prize for training courses and previous students was awarded to Elisabeth Champomier.

2018 Competition: "Blue in the mirror", by Luis Mizon, engravings by Anick Butré, Noir d'Ivoire editions. Third year binding students, prize awarded to Anne Pinet.

2019 Competition: "Plants of Gods, plants of Demons". Text Jacques Fleurentin, illustrated with 16 lithographic plates by Patrice Vermeille. Vesinet Studio of Applied Arts (AAAV) prize awarded to Sylvie Genot-Molinaro.

2021 Competition: "Little things/Almost nothing" by Ile Eniger, Inks by Michel Boucaut. Prize for decoration awarded to Eva Vincze.
H19 - i22, Eiffel wing
Atelier du Livre d'art & de l'Estampe
104, avenue du Président-Kennedy
75016 Paris, France

Le Cantique des oiseaux, by Farïd Od-Dïn 'Attâr, seven 12th century poems in Persian and French (translation by Leili Anvar) composed in Dabi (a typeface specially created for this book after Avicenna's Arabic) and in Luce, accompanied by seven compositions by Sylvie Abélanet, engraved in intaglio and printed by the Art Book workshop. With quotations from François Cheng and Saint Francis of Assisi. For this work, published and produced in its entirety by the Art Book Workshop of the Imprimerie Nationale in 2019, the artist received the Prix Jean Lurçat awarded by the Académie des Beaux-Arts and the Institut de France.
Stand F24, Suffren wing
To celebrate our tenth year at the International Rare Book Fair, we have decided to present a selection of works from a project unlike anything else in our four-hundred-and-fifty-year history: a photographic portrait of the bouquiniste community. Initiated in the summer of 2021, it is the result of a collaboration between the Cultural Association of the Bouquinistes of Paris and the photographer Alain Cornu, who is carrying out this ambitious project. The aim is to create a portrait of the booksellers at a given point in time, in this case over the period 2021-2022.
This artist's view of a profession whose future remains uncertain in the face of societal change, owing, among other things, to new technologies, constitutes an exceptional and unique testimony to our community. This year, we are presenting a selection of one hundred of these portraits for your consideration.
Alain Cornu has lived and worked in Paris since his studies at Gobelins (l'École de l'Image), from which he graduated in 1988. In addition to his studio work of portraits and still life, he has been travelling around France with his camera for over twenty years. His series of images "Signs of the Forest" won several awards and has been added to the collections of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France and the Fonds National d'Art Contemporain. But it is Paris that has really held his attention since 2010. His nocturnal work on Parisian rooftops is the subject of several exhibitions and a book published in 2016. His important work on the emblematic guild of book dealers on the Paris quays began in 2021 and should, once completed, be published as a book.
Bouquinistophilically yours,
Jérôme Callais

Jérôme Callais © AlainCornu2022

Sophie Leleu-Barboux © AlainCornu2022

Luis Ortega © AlainCornu2022

Elena Carrera and Camille Goudeau © AlainCornu2022

© François Benedetti

© François Benedetti

© François Benedetti

© François Benedetti

© François Benedetti

© François Benedetti

© François Benedetti

© François Benedetti

© François Benedetti

© François Benedetti

© François Benedetti

© François Benedetti

© François Benedetti

© François Benedetti

© François Benedetti

© François Benedetti

© François Benedetti